Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Cosmic Confluence | The Blood Moon Eclipse 2022

This is what the LORD says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD. Jeremiah 17:5 (NIV) 😇✝🙏

A person who plans evil will get a reputation as a troublemaker. The schemes of a fool are sinful; everyone detests a mocker. Proverbs 24:8 (NLT) 😇✝🙏

Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. 1 John 4:20 (NIV) 😇✝🙏

Behemoth is the first of God's conquests. Its maker approaches it with his sword. Job 40:19 (GWT) 😇✝🙏

Listen to me and make up your minds to honor my name,” says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, “or I will bring a terrible curse against you. I will curse even the blessings you receive. Indeed, I have already cursed them, because you have not taken my warning to heart." Malachi 2:2 (NLT) 😇✝🙏

“Woe to the rebellious children,” says the LORD, “Who take counsel, but not of Me, And who devise plans, but not of My Spirit, That they may add sin to sin." Isaiah 30:1 (NKJV) 😇✝🙏

Sunday, May 1, 2022

First Sunday

"Where have you come from?” the LORD asked Satan. Satan answered the LORD, “I have been patrolling the earth, watching everything that’s going on.” Job 1:7 (NLT) 😇✝️🙏
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not leave anyone unpunished who takes His name in vain. Exodus 20:7 (BSB)
Do not call conspiracy everything these people regard as conspiracy. Do not fear what they fear; do not live in dread. Isaiah 8:12 (BSB)
Listen to me and make up your minds to honor my name,” says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, “or I will bring a terrible curse against you. I will curse even the blessings you receive. Indeed, I have already cursed them, because you have not taken my warning to heart." Malachi 2:2 (NLT)
See how these enemies insult you, LORD. A foolish nation has dishonored your name. Psalm 74:18 (NLT)
Behemoth is the first of God's conquests. Its maker approaches it with his sword. Job 40:19 (GWT)

But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of eternal sin. Mark 3:29 (BSB)

Satan the Accuser

The Abyss of Belial

The Abyss of Behemoth

The Abyss of Asmodeus